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Mainnet. Aegora v3

Dog Waffle Maker


出品者名: pharpend (新人)

進捗状況: 販売中

契約番号: ct_2YqcF4YKYkDT2yYGBaAHe6qCricb5sdJSpEzUVRA6TzbVrsfWB

出品地域: ユタ州

商品分類: ペット

付け札: puppy, treat, waffle, dog

When we launched Aegora, I asked my mom if she had anything I could sell. She impulse purchased this dog waffle machine 3 years ago and had never used it once. The next day, she decided that she absolutely had to make dog waffles. So it's been used once. The dogs loved the waffles. Here is the recipe: https://bydash.com/blogs/rise/peanut-butter-pumpkin-treats

A new item comes with a recipe book. I do not have that. So it's roughly 50% off. The manufacturer's website (linked above) has tons of recipes.

Original item Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/8-Bones-Non-Stick-Homemade-Approved-Recipes/dp/B08FCWX3ZS/
Original price: $30 (roughly 400 AE, discount is 50%)

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